
How to Become an Owner-Operator Truck Driver


How to Become an Owner-Operator Truck Driver

Individuals looking for a career with stability, 旅行的机会, 而自己当老板的机会可能会让他们发现开商用卡车是个不错的选择. Consumer and business spending continues to increase, so commercial truck drivers are needed to carry and deliver goods. 

作为一家货运公司的老板, 个人需要自我激励, 面向安全, 注重细节, and have a firm understanding of how to drive and repair a truck. 除了开车, they have to follow local and state regulations, 遵守交通规则, and oversee business concerns such as insurance, 市场营销, 和维护. 

This career has specific requirements for safety, 健康, 和许可, but for those who enjoy driving and want to own a trucking company, it may be worthwhile to complete the steps. 有兴趣的人应该继续阅读,学习如何成为一名卡车司机. One major educational requirement is completing a 商业驾驶计划 before obtaining a license and gaining some road experience. 

What Does an Owner-Operator Truck Driver Do?

一个业主经营的卡车司机监督他们自己的商业卡车运输公司, but they also perform many of the same duties as regular truck drivers. 的y transport goods from one location to another on local, 区域, 或者长途航线, 有时用链条固定物品, 绳子, 和块. Drivers who transport hazardous materials, 例如化学废物, have to carry specialized safety equipment in case an accident occurs. 

卡车车主有责任检查他们的卡车并记录任何缺陷, 进行定期维修和清洁, 并保持当前的维护记录. 他们必须遵守州和联邦的交通法规,记录详细的旅行日志. Drivers also need to abide by local traffic 法律.

卡车所有者经营者还负责监督与业务相关的职能, 包括客户服务, 合同管理, 和财务管理(e.g.、记账和纳税).

Skills Needed for Owner-Operator Trucking 

特定的技能和素质要求在业主-运营商卡车运输领域. 个人在入读商业驾驶学校前应检查自己的技术水平.

  • 身体健康: Medical conditions such as high blood pressure, 睡眠呼吸暂停, and epilepsy will disqualify individuals from long-haul trucking jobs. 联邦汽车运输安全管理局有一份不合格医疗条件的完整清单需要审查.
  • 手眼协调能力: Commercial truck drivers must use their arms, 腿, 同时用眼睛来操作卡车并保持对周围环境的感知.
  • 视觉和听觉能力: Keen hearing and sight are federal requirements for commercial drivers. At least 20/40 vision is required in each eye, with or without eyeglasses or contact lenses, 还有70度的视野. 司机还必须能够察觉到至少五英尺外的耳语, whether they’re using a hearing aid or not.
  • 导航和汽车知识: Since driving is the primary responsibility in this role, 车主和操作员应该对他们的车辆如何工作和如何维修有基本的了解. 的y should also be proficient in reading GPS maps and planning routes.

Steps to Become an Owner-Operator Truck Driver<

Before they can have an owner-operator trucking business, 个人必须采取一些鲜明的态度, 法律规定的初始步骤:

1. Earn a High 学校 Diploma, and Obtain a Driver’s License

For those who want to know how to become an owner-operator truck driver, 首先要获得高中文凭和非商业驾驶执照. 这通常是获得商业驾驶执照(CDL)所需的最低教育水平。. 然而, individuals should confirm eligibility with their local licensing bureau, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles.

2. 完成商业卡车运输学校

商业驾驶学校 教学生如何成功操作牵引车-拖车,从总重26,001 to 80,000磅. 这些十大正规赌博平台大全结合了课堂和道路上的培训,为个人获得CDL和入门级卡车驾驶职位的资格做准备. Students are trained on automatic and manual transmissions. 的 length of these programs varies by school, but they often can be completed in as little as six months. 

3. Choose a Commercial Driver’s License Class

Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers are required to have a 商用驾照. 根据各州的规定,获得驾照的最低年龄是18岁或21岁. 这个年龄范围还与司机是在州内驾驶还是在州际驾驶有关. Individuals need to choose whether to pursue a A、B或C级CDL. 这种选择取决于个人十大正规赌博平台大全排行、兴趣和身体能力. 

A级CDL允许个人操作最大总重超过26的组合卡车,000磅. 的se are the largest and heaviest commercial trucks, 有两个或更多轴的, 也被称为大钻机, 过时,, 还有半挂车. A类B类CDL允许个人驾驶超过26辆的单辆车辆,000磅, 比如校车, 垃圾车, 运货车, 还有自卸卡车. C级CDL允许个人驾驶一辆少于26辆的商用车辆,000磅 that transport passengers or hazardous materials.

4. 取得商业驾驶执照

个人需要通过其所在州的机动车辆管理局获得他们的CDL. 有资格获得CDL, candidates need to have a clean driving record, 通过毒品和背景测试, 有高中文凭吗, hold a valid non商用驾照, 并出示居住证明. 准司机还需要通过体检、笔试和道路技能测试. 

Drivers who want to operate specialized trucks, like those containing hazardous materials or with triple trailers, 还需要背书吗. 背书是一种额外的证明,允许他们操作卡车. 未来的专业商业经营者必须通过背景调查并完成单独的笔试. Individuals should check with their state to confirm the requirements. 

维持他们的CDL, 商用卡车司机需要每两年通过一次体检,并保持无驾驶记录. 联邦当局对卡车司机随机进行毒品和酒精测试并不罕见.

5. 获得工作经验

Before starting an owner-operator trucking business, program graduates should gain on-the-job experience. Graduates typically find employment at a trucking company. 最初的培训是由一名指导司机坐在乘客座位上提供指导. 培训时间长短不一, 但这是一个获得在多种条件下驾驶卡车并面对各种道路情况的监督经验的机会. 

6. 建立业务

一旦一个商业司机建立了强大的驾驶和管理技能, they can move toward starting their own business. 这一过程通常涉及与国务卿建立一个商业实体, 申请美国国籍.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) number, and getting a motor carrier (MC) number to gain operating authority. 业主经营者也购买或租赁他们自己的卡车,并且必须获得卡车保险. 完成这些步骤后, 他们将建立自己的管理系统,并开始寻找客户. 

Job Outlook for Owner-Operator Truck Drivers 

预计2022年至2032年间,重型和牵引挂车商用卡车司机的就业人数将增长4%, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局. 由于企业和消费者的购买习惯,预计对卡车司机的需求将会增加. 过去十年的工作机会也是司机退休和转向其他职业的结果. 

Earn Your CDL With Fortis’ 商业驱动 程序 

的 commercial trucking industry is on the rise, and entry into this field is possible in as little as six months. 如果你想学的话 to become an owner-operator truck driver, 富通的商用卡车驾驶课程是获得基本卡车驾驶技能和准备获得商用驾驶执照的好方法. 的 高级拖拉机拖车驾驶证书 program — offered at the Fortis Institute campus in Forty Fort, 宾西法尼亚 — focuses on safety procedures, 法律, 政策, 和力学. 

了解如何开始的道路上拥有和经营卡车业务与 富通的商业驾驶计划.


How Women Are Shaping the Future of Truck Driving
What Types of Jobs Can I Get With a Class A CDL?
Take Your Trucking Career to the 下一个 Level: Six Endorsements to Consider

American Trucking Associations, Economics and Industry Data
DAT Solutions, “How to Become a Commercial Truck Driver”
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Medical Conditions
Indeed, “5 Key Differences Between CDL vs. 非cdl驾驶执照”
Truckstop, 15 Steps to Become a Successful Owner-Operator
U.S. 劳工统计局, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
U.S. Census Bureau, “America Keeps on Truckin’”
标签: 商业驱动