
How to Become a Pediatric Nurse


Addressing the healthcare needs of children has always been essential, 但随着儿童健康问题的出现,它变得越来越重要. 例如,根据美国的报告.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • More than 40% of school-aged children and adolescents in the U.S. have at least one chronic health condition.
  • One in five children and adolescents in the U.S. 患有肥胖症.
  • 每年, cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) result in up to 80,000 hospitalizations and up to 300 deaths of U.S. children who are younger than five years old.

A variety of professionals provide healthcare services to children, and among the most important are 儿科护士. Focusing on improving the health of some of the most vulnerable patients, 儿科护士 are vital in strengthening childhood health.

了解如何成为一名儿科护士是在该领域获得职位的第一步. 参加 护理学院 这是第一步,能让那些想在这个有回报的职业中取得成功的人受益吗. 

儿科护士是做什么的? The Pediatric Nurse Job Description

儿科护士为从新生儿到青少年的儿童提供全面的保健服务. The types of healthcare 儿科护士 provide address children’s physical, 认知, 以及社会心理需求. An important aspect of the 儿科护士 job description is providing care that is appropriate to a child’s developmental stage; therefore, 了解儿童如何随着时间的推移而成长和变化在儿科护理中尤为关键.

While 儿科护士 focus on all facets of caring for children, 他们还努力提供以家庭为中心的护理,包括考虑儿童的家庭. 除了, 与儿童医疗团队中的其他医疗专业人员合作和协调是这项工作的重要组成部分. 儿科护士提供的护理是基于孩子的家庭和医疗团队都同意的计划. 该计划详细说明了保健小组为改善儿童健康将采取的干预措施.

Pediatric nurses can work in a variety of healthcare settings, 比如医院, 门诊, 儿科医生的办公室, 学校, 以及社会服务机构.

Examples of a 儿科护士’s job duties include:

  • Conducting child wellness visits, checkups, and physical exams
  • 儿童接种疫苗
  • Performing developmental screenings
  • Providing care for common childhood health issues
  • Offering care to children with critical injuries
  • Treating children with chronic illnesses

对于那些有兴趣成为儿科护士的人来说,重要的是要知道他们也有机会专攻特定的患者群体. 例如, 儿科护士可以专注于照顾有发育障碍的儿童, children with terminal illnesses, or newborns and infants who are born prematurely.

Steps to Become a Pediatric Nurse 

进入儿科护理专业需要成为注册护士(RN)。, gaining work experience as an RN, and then pursuing certifications to specialize in pediatric nursing. Individual steps in that process are outlined below.

1. 获得学位或文凭

To become an RN, an individual must first earn one of the following:

  • 从医院护理十大正规赌博平台大全获得的护理文凭,可能需要不到两年的时间
  • An associate degree in nursing (ADN), which can take two to three years
  • 获得护理学学士学位(BSN),大约需要四年

2. 培养关键技能

While earning a nursing degree or diploma, students acquire 关键护理技能 在以下领域:

  • 护理管理例如,更新护理计划和评估病人转诊的需要
  • 安全和感染控制-包括防止病人受伤和以安全的方式使用危险材料
  • Promoting and maintaining health-例如,对病人进行健康教育并进行健康检查
  • 基本的护理—such as performing irrigation procedures, 评估患者皮肤, assessing patients’ pain levels, 和更多的
  • 药理学-例如,给予适当剂量的药物和监测静脉输注
  • 减少风险——例如,对病人生命体征的变化作出反应,维持导尿管

以上是学生通过国家委员会注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)并成为注册护士所需的关键技能的例子. 通过考试后, 然后,个人需要从他们寻求实践的州的护理委员会获得注册护士执照.

3. 获得工作经验

当注册护士的时候, 个人获得的经验将使他们有资格获得必要的证书,成为一名儿科护士. In acquiring this work experience, 护士也有机会探索儿科护理领域,他们可能希望专攻.

有资格参加儿科护士认证考试的工作经验的数量和类型因认证而异. Requirements can range from two to five years of work experience as an RN, 从1开始,800 to 3,000 hours of clinical work experience specifically in pediatrics.

4. 获得认证

Nurses can earn a variety of pediatric nursing certifications. 例如:

  • 儿科护理认证委员会提供注册儿科护士(CPN)认证.
  • 美国护士资格认证中心提供儿科护士委员会认证(PED-BC)认证.

希望在专业上取得进步的儿科护士也可以成为儿科护士从业人员. 达到这个水平, 护士需要获得护理专业的研究生学位,然后获得儿科执业护士的认证.  

Job Outlook for Pediatric Nurses

与美国.S. 在全国护士短缺的情况下,儿科护士的就业前景是光明的. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. 在2022年至2032年期间,每年将有大约193,100名注册护士空缺.  


Finding a Fulfilling Career in Pediatric 护理 

从事儿科护理工作可以带来有益的经历,为改善儿童健康提供机会. 帮助儿科患者克服健康挑战代表了一个机会,可以为孩子和孩子的整个家庭带来持久的影响. 

If you are interested in pursuing a nursing career, explore the Fortis 护理学校课程 to learn how they can help you achieve your goals. Combining classroom instruction with clinical, 实践经验, these programs could be the basis for a meaningful career in nursing. 

Start your journey toward a rewarding healthcare career today.

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ANA Enterprise, 护理 Career Pathways
Indeed, “How to Become a Pediatric Nurse (Plus Duties and 常见问题)”
Indeed, “What Is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner?”
News Medical, Pediatric 护理
Pediatric 护理 Certification Board, CPN vs. PED-BC
Pediatric 护理 Certification Board, Earn a PNCB Certification
Science Friday, “What’s Driving a Rise in Mumps Cases in the United 状态s?”
Society of Pediatric Nurses, Becoming a Pediatric Nurse
Society of Pediatric Nurses, Pediatric 护理 Excellence Concept Definitions
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Registered Nurses
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Childhood Overweight & 肥胖
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 美国东南部部分地区呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)活性增加:可用于保护患者的新预防工具
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Managing Chronic Health Conditions