Orange Park, FL LPN 程序

实际的护理 (LPN) 程序 in Orange Park, FL

Get Started With Our LPN 程序 in Orange Park, FL 

Have you always wanted to be a nurse? 你正在寻找一个实用护理课程,为你进入这个有益的医疗保健行业做准备吗? 

人口增长意味着对医疗设施的需求不断扩大. With nearby Jacksonville one of the fastest growing cities in 佛罗里达, 奥兰治公园正受益于强劲的医疗从业人员就业市场.

在富通,您可以继续实践护理教育,这将为您参加NCLEX-PN执照考试做准备.  Comprehensively designed, 富通实践护理课程课程为学生在该领域脱颖而出做好准备. 护理 theory guides clinical practice. PN计划的临床部分包括实践经验,观察和向该领域的专业人士学习. 为医院里不同的病人群体提供监督护理, 诊所和其他医疗机构可以让学生获得额外的技能.

这种实践临床部分的PN计划为学生提供了重要的经验,将提高就业能力. Upon completion of the PN program, 学生必须申请参加NCLEX-PN考试,以获得执业护士执照。. 通过NCLEX-PN执照考试,学生可以追求作为一名实用护士的入门级职位.  

我们为我们的护理教育十大正规赌博平台大全和设施感到自豪,并希望有机会带您参观我们的奥兰治公园校园.  Request information and learn how to get started today!

这是一个混合十大正规赌博平台大全, 这意味着大部分课程是在校园内完成的,而课程中的几门课程(不到课程的50%)是在线完成的. 该计划将校园和在线课程相结合,使学生能够体验到我校提供的所有支持和服务,以及在线课程的灵活性和便利性.*

*The number of classes taken online varies each term, and some terms in the program may be taught entirely on campus. Speak to one of our admissions representatives for more information.

  • 富通是谁??

    FORTIS是一个由大学和研究机构组成的大专网络,为学生提供终身成长的强大学习和培训体验. With the addition of each new campus, Fortis now offers career-based certificate, 15个州40多所学校的文凭和学位授予十大正规赌博平台大全.

    富通学院和富通学院校园为学生在医疗保健领域的职业生涯做好准备, 护理, 医疗, 牙科, 业务, 信息技术, 按摩, cosmetology and the skilled trades such as welding and 暖通空调.FORTIS College Online还为成人和军事社区成员提供各种副学士学位课程的在线学习平台.

  • What are the admission requirements?

    为了符合入学资格,在大多数情况下,你必须是高中毕业或同等学历. All applicants are required to complete a personal information sheet. During a personal interview with our admissions staff, 我们将审核您十大正规赌博平台大全排行,帮助您找到适合您需求的十大正规赌博平台大全.

    Every individual will be given the opportunity to tour the facility, 与财政援助会面, and enroll in the next available classes. 有关入学要求的更多信息,请联系您当地的校园招生顾问.

  • How much does the program cost?

    Tuition varies from program and campus. Speak with an admissions advisor for more details.

  • Is financial aid available?

    You've got obligations and responsibilities already, so financing your education is going to be a real concern. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, we understand that. 这就是为什么FORTIS帮助我们的学生了解政府和私人贷款以及其他经济援助方案,这些方案适用于那些有资格帮助你为新职业奠定基础的人.

    • 我们每天都与有工作的成年人和职业转换者一起工作,他们有复杂的财务状况, 并为他们提供信息,帮助他们确定最适合他们的教育资金.
    • 我们在每个校区都有财务援助办公室,这样学生们就可以继续寻找和采取重要的信息,他们需要继续他们的成功之路
    • We are flexible and pragmatic in our approach. 我们的教师, 辅导员, 教授, 如果你很难继续学习或者你需要休息,工作人员会理解并帮助你.
  • Does FORTIS help me find a job after graduation?

    十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 我们的职业服务专业人员致力于成功地支持我们的毕业生在入门级职位上获得就业. Through career development, including professionalism, 动机, 恢复发展, 为成功而着装, interview coaching and the maintenance of ethical standards, 我们让我们的毕业生具备必要的技能,为成功的面试做好准备.

    富通在每个校区都设有就业服务中心,帮助毕业生进行就业安置. FORTIS provides lifetime graduate employment assistance. As graduation approaches, 在最后一个学期,学生有机会与就业服务主任会面,讨论为他们个人求职提供的就业服务. 作为一名毕业生, you will want employment that reflects your skills, 培训, and allows for professional growth and development. 职业服务 is committed to helping you find the right fit for you.

  • 富通获得认证吗??

    如果你正在寻找经过认证的大学或职业学校,那么你来对地方了! While each campus varies in program offerings, 认证机构, and specific programmatic accreditations, all are institutionally accredited! 我们的每所学院和研究机构都由以下认证机构之一进行机构认证:

    • Accrediting Bureau of Health Education 学校s (ABHES)
    • Accrediting Commission of Career 学校s and Colleges (ACCSC)
    • Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and 学校s (ACICS)


十大正规赌博平台大全 vary by state and campus. Not all programs are offered at all locations. 联系 local campus for accreditation information.

Find out more about the admissions process for this program.
